сряда, 8 юли 2020 г.

Magical formation at Stanton St Bernard in Wiltshire, UK, reported on 7 July 2020

Magical formation at Stanton St Bernard in Wiltshire, UK, reported on 7 July 2020

More photos of this formation can be seen here:


According to the Mayan Dreamspell calendar Tzolkin, 7 July 2020 was a day with the Solar Seal Yellow Sun with Tone 9,
in the Yellow Human wavespell,
in the White Castle with major energy Yellow Warrior,
in the White Magnetic Wizard year with Tone 1 (until 24 July 2020).

In my opinion, on the formation are depicted following energies:

White Wizard – Timelessness, Receptivity, Enchantment
White Worldbridger – Equalize, Death, Opportunity
Yellow Human – Free Will, Influence, Wisdom
Red Moon – Universal water, Flow, Purify
Yellow Star – Creativity, Elegance, Art

The whole formation is a magical artwork in the style of the White Wizard: when we watch it at different angles, we see different images.

On figure A, in the center of the crop circle we see a hexagon, divided in 12 rhombs.
6 rhombs build three bridges, which symbolize the energy White Worldbridger.
At the same time, on this hexagon is depicted the face of the White Wizard.
The rhombs 1 and 2 build the first bridge,
the rhombs 3 and 4 build the second bridge.
These two bridges are the “eyebrows” of the Wizard.
The two bright rhombs below the two bridges are the “eyes” of the Wizard.

The rhombs 5 and 6 build the third bridge, which is also the “nose” of the Wizard.
The bright rhomb below of the “nose” is the “mouth”.

In this way very impactful is shown our task in the new 13-year cycle with major energy White Wizard: everybody, who wants to become a true White Wizard, should become also a master of the energy White Worldbridger.

The energy of the White Worldbridger is the Spiritual target for the humanity in the new 13-year cycle.

Round the face of the Wizard we see 6 boomerangs. Each of them has 2 “arms”, or the six boomerangs have 12 “arms” in total.

Here the number 6 symbolizes the energy White Worldbridger (Solar Seal No. 6), which is the main White energy in the current White Castle.

The number 12 symbolizes the energy Yellow Human (Solar Seal No. 12) – the major energy of the current Yellow Human wavespell.
The White Worldbridger teaches us, that we should build bridges to each other and live in Unity.
The 6 boomerangs are close to each other.
The “arms” of the boomerangs resemble Bridges.
In this way is infused the idea that the people on the Earth don’t throw boomerangs to each other, i.e. they don’t fight with each other, they live in peace and in unity.
We can say, that the six boomerangs symbolize the united humanity.

On figure B we see another picture. The rhombs 1, 2 and 3 resemble waterfalls, flowing water. In this way is depicted the energy Red Moon – the energy of the Universal water, Flow and Purification.
The Red Moon is the Occult Teacher of the Yellow Human.
This energy helps us for Cleansing of blocks – on personal and on social level.

On figure C we see that 6 rhombs in the center of the formation form a star. The periphery of the star is a polygonal line with 12 sides.
The star symbolizes the energy Yellow Star – the major energy of the next Blue Castle.
The number 6 symbolizes the energy White Worldbridger – Solar Seal No. 6.
The number 12 symbolizes the energy Yellow Human – Solar Seal No. 12. We can say that the number 12 symbolizes the humanity.
The two numbers 6 and 12 symbolize the united humanity.
In this way is conveyed the idea, that at the end of the White castle the processes of Cleansing and Uniting are finished and the humanity is prepared for the transformations in the next Blue castle with major energy Yellow Star.

The crop circle is located near the Milk Hill with the famous depiction of a White horse. The location is obviously chosen intentionally. “White horse” corresponds very good with White Wizard, White Worldbridger and White Castle.
I express my deepest gratitude to the authors of this magical formation, to the photographer Nick Bull and to the whole team of the Crop Circle Connector!

Photos from the video of
Nick Bull:

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