понеделник, 6 юни 2022 г.

Formation from 4 June 2022 at Оwl House, nr White Horse Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, UK


We are now planning concrete steps of our evolutionary path for the next 9 months

Formation from 4 June 2022 at Оwl House, nr White Horse Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, UK

More photos of this formation can be seen here:


According to the Mayan Dreamspell calendar Tzolkin, 4 June 2022 is a day with the Solar Seal Red Earth with Tone 4,
the White Wizard wavespell,
the Red Castle with main energy Yellow Seed,
in the Yellow Seed year with Tone 3.

In my opinion, on the formation are depicted following energies:

Yellow Seed - Awareness, Target, Flowering
Electric Tone 3 - Activation, Bonding, Service
Red Earth - Evolution, Navigation, Synchronization
Self-Existing Tone 4 - Define, Form, Measure
White Wizard –Timelessness, Receptivity, Enchantment
Blue Hand - Knowledge, Accomplishment, Healing
Yellow Human – Free Will, Influence, Wisdom
Red SerpentLife Force, Instinct, Survival
White Mirror - Reflection, Infinity, Order, Truth

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At the beginning of the new Tzolkin module we plant the Seeds from which by the end of Tzolkin a new Human will grow – with new qualities that we are now formulating.

The formation consists of 32 small circles that represent seeds and symbolize the energy Yellow Seed.

The number 32 represents the energy Yellow Human.
Kin (day) 32 in the Tzolkin module has the Solar Seal Yellow Human.

4 June 2022 is the 17th day from the beginning of the New Harmonic Module Tzolkin of 260 days (about 9 months). This is a day of the first Red Castle of Tzolkin - the Court of Birth.

Now, at the beginning of the new Tzolkin module we plant the Seeds, from which until the end of Tzolkin we will grow as a new Human.

Our Seeds are our ideas, thoughts, words, dreams, intentions, actions, etc.

Our seeds are holograms, programs for development on a personal and on social level.

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The Yellow Seed year with Tone 3

On the formation we see 4 chains of seeds: on the left a group of 3 chains and on the far right a fourth chain separated from the first three.

The group of 3 seed chains symbolizes YELLOW SEED with Tone 3 – the main energy of the current Yellow Seed year with Tone 3.

These 3 chains include 24 seeds. The number 24 symbolizes additionally the energy Yellow Seed: Kin 24 in Tzolkin has the Solar Seal Yellow Seed.

The fourth chain of 8 seeds symbolizes the energy
Yellow Star - Solar Seal No. 8, this is the Guiding energy of the current Yellow Seed year with Tone 3.

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The White Wizard wavespell

The four chains contain a total of 32 seeds: 14 light and 18 dark.

The number 14 symbolizes the energy WHITE WIZARD (Solar Seal No. 14) – the main energy of the current White Wizard wavespell.

The number 18 symbolizes the energy WHITE MIRROR (Solar Seal No. 18).

The formation is located at the Owl House. In my opinion this place was chosen intentionally. As well known, the Owl is the traditional companion of The Wizard!

Red Collie explains that this crop picture shows four 8-bit characters in ASCII computer code for “L-ove”. Flattened circles are “zeros”, while standing circles are “ones”:

0100-1100  “L” (hyphen)
0110-1111  “o”
0111-0110  “v”
0110-0101  “e”

Image by Fernando Ortolá


This is a wonderful message that is entirely in line with the "requirement" for a White Wizard: a person can become a White Wizard only if he opens his heart to Love!

The energy of the White Wizard makes us more receptive to the subtle cosmic energies. We perceive more directly vibrations, impulses, information from the world's energy and information field.

We also become more receptive to the
Truth that we associate with the White Mirror energy. And the White Wizard belongs to the White clan of Truth.

The White Wizard is a shamanic energy. It helps us to direct the cosmic energies with the power of our thoughts. Energy follows thought. We choose a goal or a problem, we direct our thoughts there, in this way we direct the cosmic energies and they do the work: this is how we create Magic!

The White Wizard wavespell is a very appropriate time to consider in detail what we want to achieve by the end of Tzolkin. The White Mirror, the energy of Reflection, helps us to realize our plans.

The whole formation resembles a snake and thus symbolizes the energy RED SERPENT - the Supporting energy of the White Wizard.

The Red Serpent is the energy of the Life Force, it unites the 4 great forces of the Creator, which alternate in the following order:

Red energy – Yin - element Earth – Beginning
White energy – Yang - element Air – Refining
Blue energy – Yin - element Water – Transformation
Yellow energy – Yang - element Fire - Ripening

The Mayan name of the Red Snake is Chic-Chan, sounds like Yin-Yang; -).

On the formation, the "body of the serpent" curves in a zig-zag.
So goes our path of Evolution of Consciousness: once left, once right, trying to achieve Harmony.

In the White Wizard wavespell the energy Red Serpent energizes our Seeds with the Life Force.

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Day of the Red Earth with Tone 4

4 June 2022 is a day with the Solar Seal Red Earth with Tone 4.

The whole formation consists of 4 chains of seeds.

The number 4 symbolizes Tone 4 – the Tone of the day

As already mentioned, the formation is located at Owl House. And the Owl is the totem animal of Tone 4! The choice of the location is clearly not accidental at all.

The s
eed chains allow separations in different ways. I think the following option is very logical:

The first and the second chain, A and B, include a total of 17 seeds, and the third chain C includes 7 seeds.

The number 17 symbolizes the Energy RED EARTH (Solar Seal No. 17) - the energy of the day. The Red Earth is also the Occult Teacher of the Yellow Seed.

The number 7 symbolizes the energy BLUE HAND (Solar Seal No. 7) -the Challenging energy of the Red Earth.

Blue Hand is the energy of Knowledge and Accomplishment.
And Red Earth is the energy of Evolution.
We act according to the Knowledge we have.
We gather experiences, analyze them, and thus achieve Awareness. These grains of Awareness create the Evolution of Consciousness.

On 26 July 2022 begins the 4th year of the current 13-year cycle of the White Wizard.

Red Earth with Tone 4 is the fourth day of the White Wizard wavespell, so this energy will play a very important role in the New Year!

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Yellow Human - Road, ladder

The formation resembles also a path, a road and steps of a ladder. In this way is depicted the energy YELLOW HUMAN.

The Mayan name for the Yellow Human is "Eb" and it literally means "ladder". Another traditional meaning of this Solar Seal is "Road".

The Road symbolizes the life spiral that Mayans call the ladder leading to Heaven, to the crown of creation.

Climbing the ladder was a spiritual journey that everyone must go through. This journey became known as the Road of Life. This  Road is the sacred path that propels us forward on the course of self-realization and life fulfillment.  

The essence of Eb is not so much about traveling on a road as becoming the Road yourself.  

The formation shows a path of seeds.
Now we are planting Seeds – and they represent the hologram of the Road we want to take to the end of the new Tzolkin.

Thus, our seeds are the hologram for the Human we want to become.

Each circle, each "seed" of the formation, represents one step, one specific action on our Evolutionary Road.

Over the next 9 months, we grow as a new Human who symbolically merges with the Source on the last day of Tzolkin, this is Kin 260 Yellow Cosmic Sun, which symbolizes the Source in its fullness.

Cordial thanks to the authors of this amazing formation and to all the photographers!

Photo courtesy of Nick Bull


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