събота, 16 юли 2022 г.

Road to the Source and bridges to each other



Road to the Source and bridges to each other

Crop circle at Cake Woods, near Froxfield, Wiltshire, UK, reported on 9 July 2022

More photos of this formation can be seen here:


According to the Mayan Dreamspell calendar Tzolkin, 9 July 2022 is a day
with the Solar Seal Yellow Human with Tone 13,
the Yellow Sun wavespell,
the Red Castle with main energy Yellow Seed,
in the Yellow Seed year with Tone 3.

In my opinion, on the formation are depicted following energies:

Human – Free will, Influence, Wisdom
Cosmic Tone 13 - Presence, Endurance, Transcendence
Yellow Seed Targeting, Awareness, Flowering
Electric Tone 3 Bonding, Activation, Service
Blue Hand - Knowledge, Accomplishment, Healing
White Wind – Spirit, Breath, Connection, Communication
Red Earth - Evolution, Navigation, Synchronization
White Worldbridger - Equalize, Death, Opportunity

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The Yellow Seed year with Tone 3

On the crop circle we see six triangles that depict Seeds and symbolize the energy Yellow Seed – the Solar Seal of the current year.

Each triangle has 3 sides. The number 3 symbolizes the Electric Tone 3 the Tone of the year.

Thus, the triangular seeds symbolize the main energy of the current Yellow Electric Seed year with Tone 3.

These seeds include all the activity of humanity during the past year. They also include our thoughts, ideas, dreams and visions for the future and will be planted in the New Year of the Red Moon with Ton 4, which begins on 26 July 2022.

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The Yellow Human as a cup

The formation depicts six identical figures, each consisting of a pair of bars and a triangle.

There are 12 bars in total.

The number 12 symbolizes the Yellow Human (Solar Seal No. 12) – the main energy of the day 9 July 2022.

Each pair of bars represents 2 arms of a person and symbolizes the energy Blue Hand – the Supporting power of the Yellow Human.

The number 2 symbolizes the energy White Wind – the Challenging power of the Yellow Human.

Each figure depicts two raised arms forming a "cup".

The Cup is one of the symbols of the Yellow Human.

The Yellow Human invites us to feel like an empty cup, to empty our mind of outdated thoughts and beliefs so that our "cup" can be filled with new cosmic energies that bring us new codes and information from the Source.

These new ideas and codes from the Source are depicted in the form of a triangular seed that the Source "plants in our cup.

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The Yellow Human as a Road to the Source

Traditional meanings of the Yellow Human's sign are: road, ladder.

The Yellow Human symbolizes the power that moves us on the Road of Life.
The Yellow Human symbolizes the Road of Life itself.
The Road of Life is the one that leads us to the Source.

On the crop circle, the Source is in the very center, and each of the radial arms depicts a road to the Source.

Each of these radial arms also symbolizes Tone 13 – the Tone of the day. Tone 13 is a bridge that connects us to the Source.

9 July 2022 it is the last day of the Yellow Sun wavespell. The Yellow Sun is the last 20th Solar Seal and symbolizes the Source in its fullness. On the last day of the wavespell, the Yellow Sun gives us the energy of the Yellow Cosmic Human, which imbues us with valuable information for our spiritual development and information about the Road that leads us to the Source.

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Earth as a Worldbridger

The big outer hexagon symbolizes the energy White Worldbridger  - Solar Seal No. 6.

This hexagon represents the Earth and symbolizes the energy RED EARTH.

In the Red Earth wavespell, in tenth position is the White Planetary Worldbridger with the Tone 10 – the Planetary Tone of Manifestation. This means that the Red Earth manifests on the planetary level as a White Planetary Worldbridger!

The Red Earth is a Worldbridger, it connects our planet to the other worlds in our galaxy.

The Red Earth carries out energy and information exchange between our planet Earth and all other spiritual and material worlds in the universe.

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White World

The Yellow Electric Seed year with Tone 3 is the third year of the current 13-year cycle with the main energy White Wizard.

Third in the White Wizard wavespell is the Yellow Electric Warrior with Tone 3, so this energy played a very important role in the Yellow Electric Seed year. Besides, a very significant role played also the energy White Worldbridger, which is the Challenging power of the Yellow Warrior.

On the crop circle are depicted 6 figures consisting of a pair of arms and a triangle. The number 6 symbolizes the energy White Worldbridger -Solar Seal No. 6.

The White Worldbridger invites us and helps us to develop the following qualities:

1. To maintain connections with the Source, with the spiritual worlds, with our Higher Self, with our Spiritual guides.

2. To maintain connection with the Earth, with the nature.

3. To build bridges between people, to unite ourselves for common actions.

4. To help each other, to have compassion, mercy, empathy to the other people.

5. It helps us to purify ourselves physically and spiritually: to free ourselves from negative thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs – in personal and social terms.

These will also be our main tasks in the New Year of the Red Moon with Tone 4, because this energy is from the
White Worldbridger wavespell.

Let us not forget that the energy White Worldbridger is also the energy of Opportunity: when we let go of something old and useless, something new and better comes in its place.

9 July 2022 it is the last day of the Red Castle, and the crop circle shows us that on this day preparations and readjustments are made for the White Castle, which begins the next day. The White Worldbridger plays a central role in the White Castle, it is the main White energy in the White Castle.

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We reach out to each other and unite

Each of the six figures depicted on the crop circle can be seen as two outstretched arms of a person.

Five of the figures are oriented in the same way, only figure C is reversed. Thus, the figure B and the adjacent figure C are facing each other. We can imagine that these are two people who have turned to each other and are reaching out their hands to each other. This expresses the idea of the White Worldbridger – to build bridges to each other.

Our hands are our bridges.

We build bridges
when we give someone a helping hand
when we give each other a hand as a sign of friendship
- when we hold hands and unite for common action

The two figures B and C together form a rhombus - a figure with 4 sides.
So this figure also depicts a Yellow Seed - Solar Seal No. 4.

At the end of the Yellow Seed year, we form as a Seed this idea – that we must unite to succeed in our common causes – and plant this Seed in the New year, which begins on 26 July 2022.

I express my sincere gratitude to the authors of this wonderful crop circle and to all the photographers!

Photo courtesy of Hugh Newman



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