четвъртък, 8 юни 2023 г.


The Red Moon Year with Tone 4

Crop circle reported on 28 May 2023 at
Broad Hinton, near Winterbourne Bassett, Wiltshire, UK.

More images of this formation can be seen on following links:







Video about this crop circle can be seen at the following links:



According to the Mayan Dreamspell calendar T
zolkin, 28 May 2023

is a day of the Red Moon Year with Tone 4,

which started on 26 July 2022 and continues until 25 July 2023.
The Red Moon with Tone 4 belongs to the White Worldbridger wavespell.

In my opinion, the formation
represents following energies:

Red Moon - Universal water, Flow, Purify

Blue Storm - Activation, Catalyze, Energy, Self-Generation

White Worldbridger Equalize, Death, Opportunity

Red Earth - Evolution, Navigation, Synchronization

The outer circle represents the Earth and symbolizes the energy Red Earth.

The image inside this circle looks like a propeller with 6 blades.
Each blade looks like a "chipped " lunar crescent and symbolizes the energy Red Moon – the main energy of the current year.

The 6 blades symbolize also the energy White Worldbridger (Solar Seal No. 6) – the energy of "Death".

The Red Moon with Tone 4 belongs to the wavespell of the White Worldbridger - Cimi, so Cimi is the "carrying” energy" of the current year. You are requested to die a "symbolic death", to surrender your limiting beliefs. Symbolic death unveils the self by cutting away the outgrown parts of yourself that no longer serve you.

You can read more about the White Worldbridger here:


The depicted propeller gives us a sense of rotation, acceleration and it symbolizes the energy of the Blue Storm – the energy of Activation.
Blue Storm is the Challenging force of the Red Moon.

The crop circle is located near the village Winterbourne Bassett. The name of the village reminds us of a dog of the Basset breed. And this reminds us that the White Dog is the Supporting Force of the Red Moon.

The Red Moon is the energy of Purification. For us, the Red Moon year is a time for physical and spiritual purification, on a personal and on a social level. The White Dog is the Energy of Love and reminds us to perform this Cleansing with a lot of Love ;-).

The small circle in the center of the formation represents a portal.
Red Moon with Tone 4 is a Galactic Activation Portal day, so the entire year of the Red Moon with Tone 4 is a Portal year in which we have open portals to the higher dimensions.

I express my sincere gratitude to the authors of this amazing crop circle and to all the photographers!

Image courtesy of Hugh Newman (“Crop Circles from the Air”)

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