сряда, 12 юли 2023 г.

We can use the energy of Tone 12 for collective action for the common good!

We can use the energy of Tone 12 for collective action for the common good!

Crop circle
from 7 July 2023 at Norton Plantation, near Norton Bavant, Wiltshire, UK

Photos and videos of this formation can be seen on the following links:




According to the Mayan Dreamspell calendar Tzolkin, 7 July 2023 is a day

with the Solar Seal Blue Eagle with Tone 12,
the Yellow Seed wavespell,
in the Blue Castle with the main energy
Yellow Star.

In my opinion, the formation features the following energies:

Blue Eagle - Creativity, Vision, Mind
Tone 12
- the Crystal Tone of Cooperation
Yellow Seed
Targeting, Awareness, Flowering
Yellow Star
- Creativity, Elegance, Art, Beauty, Harmony
Human – Free Will, Influence, Wisdom
Red Earth
- Evolution, Navigation, Synchronization
SerpentLife Force, Instinct, Survival
White World
bridger Equalize, Death, Opportunity
Blue Monkey
- Play, Magic, Illusion
White Dog
- Love, Heart, Loyalty

The large circle represents the Earth and symbolizes the energy Red Earth – the Occult Teacher of the Yellow Seed.

The two figures 1 and 2 resemble eyes, while figure 3 represents the Third eye. The eyes symbolize the Blue Eagle - the energy of Vision, which is the Solar Seal of the day. The Blue Eagle is an energy that develops telepathy.

On the "surface of the Earth" are depicted 6 ellipses, each consisting of two arcs resembling bridges. The total number of arcs is 12.

The number 6, as well as the bridges, symbolize the energy White Worldbridger. This energy is Solar Seal No. 6 and is the Occult Teacher of the Blue Eagle.

The number 12 stays for Tone 12 – the Tone of the day.

On the "surface of the Earth" are also depicted flowers that symbolize the Yellow Seed – the energy of Flowering – the main energy of the actual wavespell. Besides, the Yellow Seed is the Support force of the Blue Eagle.

The total number of petals is 24. Kin (day) 24 in the Tzolkin calendar has the Solar Seal Yellow Seed, so the number 24 additionally symbolizes the energy Yellow Seed.

The location of the formation Norton Plantation was probably chosen intentionallyin this way we are reminded that the Yellow Seed wavespell is a time for planting Seeds. Our Seeds are our ideas, visions, dreams, intentions, actions. From these Seeds grows the Flower of our Life, the Tree of our Life!

Each petal consists of two arcs, so the total number of
arcs is 24x2=48. Kin 48 in Tzolkin has the Solar Seal Yellow Star, so the number 48 symbolizes the Yellow Star – the main energy in the actual Blue Castle.

Each flower also resembles the figure of a human with two arms (1 and 2), two legs (4 and 5) and a head (3). Thus, this figure symbolizes the energy Yellow Human, and all people-flowers symbolize the humanity.

The people stand together in a circle, holding hands - this once again symbolizes Tone 12 the Crystal Tone of Cooperation.

The people-flowers dance like the flowers in Christian Andersen's fairy tale "Little Ida’s flowers" ; -). This symbolizes the Blue Monkey – the energy of Play and Magic. 7 July 2023 is a day of the Monkey Genesis. Besides, Blue Monkey is the Support force of the Yellow Star.

Each figure of a
human-flower consists of 5 petals.

The number 5 symbolizes the Red Serpent (Solar Seal No. 5) – the Challenging power of the Blue Eagle. The Red Serpent is the energy of Life Force.

Each of the five petals that make up this figure consists of two arcs, or the total number of arcs is 5x2=10.

The number 10 symbolizes the White Dog (Solar Seal No. 10) – the energy of Love.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Blue Eagle reminds us that with our Visions and Visualizations we create the desired new reality. Through the image of people-flowers, the authors of the formation offer us a wonderful Vision:  Flourishing of humanity! We can sow this vision as a Seed in the quantum field of the Earth.

We humans are creators of Beauty and Harmony. May we with thoughts, words and deeds, contribute to a more beautiful and harmonious world in which people live in Peace, Love and Cooperation!

Tone 12 – The Crystal Tone of Cooperation - helps us unite for common causes. We can use the energy of Tone 12 for collective action for the common good.

We can take the following small step: each time on a day with Tone 12, we can gather in a group, at least 2-3 people, to discuss the problems of the community, of society, of humanity, and to discuss ideas for improving the situation. With the help of the Crystal Tone 12, our thoughts and words are being recorded in the Crystal grid of the Earth and will help to solve problems. Of course, the effect will be greater if we then take real actions. Nevertheless, the solution of any problem begins with the discussion of ideas.

I express my sincere gratitude to the authors of this brilliant formation and to all the photographers!

Photo courtesy of Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography



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